613 variants
to inspire creative
logotypes & fonts

How to use them?


What is a glyph?

Every letter can be written in many different ways. These variations are called glyphs.

Sometimes it's hard to find the perfect one for your logo.

So i analyzed thousands of logos and collected all the variants on this website

How to use those?

Simply check out this website during sketch phase of logo/font design and try redrawing a couple of letters.
Sometimes even one creative detail can make all the difference!


Hi! My name is Tim izhanov. I am a young graphic designer from Moscow and the creator of ABCD.gallery.
My goal is for this site to become a big hub of useful recourses for other designers.
Feel free to contact me for any suggestion or collaboration.

* A special shoutout to Liz Lovelace for bringing this wonderful website to life!